Information to exhibitors

Here we have collected answers to some of the most common questions we receive from exhibitors. We hope you find what you are looking for, but you are also welcome to contact us.

Psst… Did you know that all important information and technical exhibitor information can be found on MyEasyfairs? There you will find, among other things, the Smart Badge guide and the Visit Connect guide.

FFCR Tampere kuva

Building the stand

Tuesday, 08.00-20.00

Taking down the stand

Thursday, 16.00-22.00

Opening hours

Wed, 24.1.2024, 10-18
Thu, 25.1.2024, 10-17

Registration of the staff members

Registration of your staff is done independently and easily through the MyEasyfairs system. Everyone working at the stand must be registered for the event.

1. Log in to MyEasyfairs with the credentials you received when you booked the booth at the event. If you need a new account, click “I forgot my password”.
2. Click the event you’re a business partner in.
3. Select “Prepare your department”, item 2 on the timeline, and then “Register department staff”.

4. You will be redirected to another portal. Select “Staff” from the menu on the left.
5. Click “Add new” and fill in the details of the people.
6. Finally, you can use the buttons in the left corner to choose whether to save the registration information yourself or send it directly to the staff.

We help you to be seen

We are here to help you with marketing, from marketing materials to delivering digital invitations to your network. We market your participation and your brands. We are happy to post your news, articles and activities on our event pages, newsletters and social media channels. Opportunities for visibility through us include:

-Cooperation with industry associations and magazines
-Digital advertising
-Social media
-Sending personal invitations by post
-Sending digital invitations
-Invitations and information sharing through partners, sponsors and exhibitors

Want to appear on our channels? Or do you need marketing material?
Contact us!


As a business partner and exhibitor, we trust you to maximize the opportunities created by event participation by sharing information about the FFCR event with your network and customers through your own channels*. This, in cooperation with our marketing, brings a lot of visitors to the event.

-Invite your customers and network to the event.
-Share our cooperation on your channels.
-Create publications; Raise an important question, burning topic or exciting case in our website, newsletter or social media channels. Please mark well the author as well as the company and send the information to us at

*We reserve the right to decide what is published in connection with the marketing of the event.


Smart Badge – Digital visitor card! As an exhibitor, you will receive a reader at your stand upon arrival, which will allow you to further enhance the visitor experience. The reader is a wireless device that the visitor touches with their Smart Badge and automatically receives all your company information that you have entered into MyEasyfairs. The information is compiled and sent as a list at the end of the event day by email.

smart badge
Smart badge teknologia

Visit Connect

Saatte Visit Connect -teknologian käyttöönne, jos olette valinneet Easygo Leads tai Easygo Plus -paketin. Palvelu mahdollistaa vierailijan yhteystietojen keräämisen QR-koodilukijan avulla, suoraan vierailijan rintakortista. Tämä on tehokas keino saada liidien tiedot varmaan talteen, ilman pelkoa yhteystietojen tai käyntikortin häviämisestä.

Lähellä tapahtumapäivää saatte Visit Connect -sähköpostin, josta löydätte yrityskohtaisen linkkinne ja tunnukset järjestelmään. Sähköpostissa on myös ohjeet miten edetä, joten seuraamalla niitä Visit Connectin käyttöönotto on nopeaa ja vaivatonta.

You can use Visit Connect technology if you have chosen Easygo Leads or the Easygo Plus package. The service makes it possible to collect the visitor’s contact information with the help of a QR code reader, directly from the visitor’s badge. This is an effective way to securely capture lead information without fear of losing contact information or business cards.

Close to the event day, you will receive a Visit Connect email where you will find your company-specific link and credentials to the system. The email also contains instructions on how to proceed, so following them using Visit Connect is quick and effortless.

Important: Keep in mind that setup must be done before the event. You will need your personal credentials for it. Of course, we are also happy to answer questions on the spot!

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